January 2019

Welcome to 2019 in the Kenai Peninsula Borough School District!  I always look forward to January as it is a time to reflect on what has been accomplished as well as set goals for the upcoming year.  We are continuing our efforts to provide a Rigorous, Relevant and, Responsive learning environment for all of our students. Improving this experience for our students takes a great deal of effort as our staff works toward intentionally implementing personalized learning concepts into their instruction on a daily basis.  I am excited how our staff is shifting toward a highly collaborative work place that emphasizes peer support to improve instruction.

We are also embarking into an uncertain time for public education in Alaska.  Our state and local leaders continue to search for more efficiencies.  It is very likely a thorough examination of public education will occur during this budget cycle.  I believe KPBSD does produce excellent results as evidenced through improved test scores as well as the accomplishments of our recent graduates.  We will work closely with state and local leaders to ensure they understand what our district uses its funding for and the results we are able to accomplish due to the funds we receive.

As with any new year, there is a great deal of excitement.  This year, we also will be facing several challenges as we once again assure our constituency that KPBSD schools work and are committed to getting better.

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