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Author Archives: Steve Atwater
Student activities an important part of school
Yesterday I attended the two state football championship games that were held in Chugiak. Although the weather was poor, it was good to see our teams from Homer, Nikiski and Soldotna high schools compete at this level. Besides watching the games, the contests allowed me to say hello and observe many of our student athletes’ […]
Posted in Schools and Assessment 1 Comment
Helping to better define the boundaries
On Thursday evening assistant superintendent Dusek and I attended a community meeting at Homer High School that was called in response to a horrific incident that occurred at an off-campus party. Because students were present at the party, the school by association was involved. As is always the case with this sort of incident where […]
Posted in Schools and Assessment 1 Comment
New items and time
Last spring while at a school function on a Wednesday evening, I let my mind wander to calculate how much time I spent at work that week. Later that night on the ride home I hit 40 hours. I don’t share this to boast; I know that our principals and teachers have similar weeks […]
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Chicago teacher strike and evaluation
This week’s teacher strike in Chicago is one that everyone in education is closely watching; it is about much more than money. Besides the city’s demand to lengthen the workday and school year, the trickiest issue is the city, following the federal lead, wanting to include student performance as a part of a teacher’s evaluation. […]
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Lifelong learners
Last night I had a good conversation with a neighbor about the limitations of narrowing a secondary education as a way to concentrate on the preparation for a career or job skill. The premise of our talk was that throughout our teens and 20s you are constantly changing and that selection of a destination at […]
Posted in Schools and Assessment 1 Comment
Alaska needs to pay for preschool
As is usually the case, one of the recurring themes of this election season is referencing the American dream with candidates providing numerous examples of individuals taking the initiative to overcome the limitations of their circumstance. This is usually followed by the insistence that this dream can best occur when government gets out of the […]
Posted in Schools and Assessment 3 Comments
More than one learning style
School started with a bang last Tuesday with about 8,000 students passing through our doors. At the same time, about another 800 started their homeschooling as part of our Connections program. I visited 8 schools last week and as always, was amazed at the wide range of learning environments that our students experience. Classrooms next […]
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Teachers making a personal connection
Earlier this week during our district-wide inservice, I spoke to the staff about the need to focus our attention on those variables (that we can control) that affect student learning. Specifically, I mentioned the need to support and provide effective instruction. Later that day, a teacher mentioned that while effective instruction is important, it is […]
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Being introverted and collaboration
My recent blog about the difference in the performance of boys and girls in school prompted a fair amount of interest and comments. I received another comment along these lines that referenced a short talk on schools not meeting the needs of our students who are introverted. You can find it at the following link: […]
Posted in Schools and Assessment 2 Comments
Blended Learning