Last week I was in Anchorage to help our HR department with the hiring process at the state’s annual job fair; meeting prospective teachers is one of my favorite things to do. We are fortunate that KPBSD is one of the more desired places in Alaska to teach- there were a lot of candidates waiting to share their resumes with us. The majority of the candidates were first year teachers bubbling with enthusiasm about the prospect of their first teaching job.
Although a new teacher does not have any formal experience, they bring a refreshing level of enthusiasm to a school. I’ve noticed that as the routine of teaching sets in, and teachers become more effective and efficient, it is often difficult to maintain this level of enthuisiasm. It is thus incumbent on administrators, and the district as a whole, to do what it can to help keep teachers hungry to teach. The easiest and best way to do this is to compliment staff on doing a good job. So as the year comes to a close, be sure to take time to let our teachers know that they are appreciated and doing a good job. A teacher or administrator who has been with us for a while needs to, and deserves to hear this.
Math, It’s Elementary
During the first week of May it was my privilege to take part in the Seward Math Bowl. This is an annual event that brings together our upper elementary students from around the district. The teams compete in two half hour exercises. It is a great venue for the participating students to showcase their excellent math skills. I was impressed by the good attitude of the 150 or so students- everyone was in a good mood. Besides being the largest people in the room, my team that included two board members, did little else to distinguish themselves.
Putting together an event like this takes an enormous amount of planning and volunteering. I know that during the year we hold similar type events at several other schools. Let’s be sure to not take the organizing side of these events for granted. As the year comes to a close, I send thanks to all our staff who go the extra mile to make these events happen.