Last week I traveled to Seldovia to hold interviews for the school’s principal vacancy. The three candidates appeared on a SmartBoard through Skype with about 25 community and staff members in attendance. One of the questions asked about distance learning, but unfortunately, none of the candidates answered this as well as they might have. Their responses mostly focused on the mechanics of the interface and not on how to facilitate this type of learning. In reflection, I feel that many still view distance learning as a passive, sit in front of a computer activity where directing a student to a website is all that is needed. As you might expect, many of our students who are learning online have a difficult time generating the needed discipline to stay away from social websites so that they can focus on the course’s content. As a way to help foster this focus, schools need to ensure that there is a support system in place for the students.
Whether we like it or not, our students and adults for that matter, are increasingly drawn to digital content that is largely social. This attraction is a concern for many who feel that the distraction of the Internet will prevent or slow learning. I am sympathetic to this concern but don’t feel that we should use it as a reason to delay our expansion of using digitally delivered content. To take full advantage of digital content, school staff must be able to monitor where students are and to ask questions of the student to check for understanding. The efficiency of digital instruction is a plus for schools because it allows for the teacher to oversee more students and to focus on the higher order or application of the content with small groups of students. Many school districts now require a student to successfully complete a distance course as a part of their graduation requirements. Whether we add this requirement or not, it is clear that we will increasingly use digitally delivered content and that we need to train staff for how to support the students taking distance courses. It is not enough to just worry about the mechanics of the interface.
Funding Plan
Last week while in Juneau, I met with several legislators to share that we are doing good work and deserve a modest increase in funding. Predictably, each of the senators and representatives was confident that schools would see more money next year, but no one was willing to say how much more. And so from now until the end of the session in April, we will do our best to convince our elected officials that without an increase we will be forced to reduce services. While this is not news to anyone, when I step away from the process I am amazed that year after year we are tasked with preparing a budget without knowing our level of revenue for the coming year. Wouldn’t it make sense to create a funding plan for education? Think of all the saved time and energy if the state were to map out what they will spend on schools ahead of time.
Section I of Article VII of our constitution states that the legislature shall by general law establish and maintain a system of public schools open to all children of the State, and may provide for other public educational institutions. To do so requires sufficient funds. So while we are stuck in the current year-to-year model of funding, looking ahead, let’s encourage those in Juneau to create a funding plan to meet this constitutional requirement. Everyone except Alaska Airlines would be happy if this was the case.